8 findings on COVID-19 and the heart

Here are eight findings on the new coronavirus' effects on the heart, published on Becker's Hospital Review this summer.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list. Dates indicate when the article was published on the Becker's site.

Sept. 28
1. All 54 COVID-19 patients at a Michigan hospital who suffered an in-hospital cardiac arrest died.

Sept. 15
2. Some competitive college athletes show evidence of inflamed heart muscle or myocarditis.

Sept. 4
3. Scientists exposed heart cells in lab dishes to varying doses of the new coronavirus and found that the virus was able to enter heart muscle cells and make copies of itself.

July 29
4. COVID-19 infections may cause inflammation in the heart for months.

July 22
5. About 16 percent of more than 3,000 COVID-19 patients studied at a New York City health system had thrombosis, or blood clots.

July 14
6. Heart scans for more than half of COVID-19 patients showed abnormalities in functioning.

July 8
7. The first set of reports from hospitals and health systems conducting autopsies on COVID-19 patients show "very mild" inflammation of the surface of the heart and an abundance of rare cells called megakaryocytes, which produce platelets that control clotting.

July 1
8. Myocardial injury, or heart damage, is common among patients hospitalized with COVID-19, and it is linked to a higher risk of death.

More articles on cardiology:
NYU Langone launches new pediatric heart failure, transplant program
UC San Diego Health 1st on West Coast to revive non-beating heart for transplantation
Potential COVID-19 treatment could increase cardiac event risk if taken with certain drugs 




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