Obama Administration to Brief Republicans on Exchange Glitches

Obama administration officials have agreed to brief Republican lawmakers on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's implementation, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told The Hill.

captiol buildingEarlier this week, House Republicans demanded a briefing on the glitch-ridden launch of the healthcare law's insurance exchanges after learning White House officials intended to brief Democrats on the issue. House Democrats met yesterday with Mike Hash, head of the HHS Office of Health Reform. The date of the Republican briefing has not been disclosed, according to the report.

Republican lawmakers have demanded more information about the implementation of the healthcare reform law's exchanges, which have encountered numerous technical problems since they opened for enrollment earlier this month. The errors include people not being able to create accounts on HealthCare.gov, dysfunctional drop down tools and the site crashing due to high traffic.

Members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a hearing today concerning the PPACA's "troubled rollout."

More Articles on PPACA Glitches:
Obama Acknowledges Technical Issues, Defends PPACA
HHS Calls in Tech Experts to Fix HealthCare.gov
Contractors: PPACA Marketplace Repairs Could Take Weeks 

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