Supporting mental health wellness for a thriving clinical workforce

Optimal mental health is the foundation of our physical, spiritual and emotional health and contributes to each individual’s overall holistic wellness. It’s vitally important for the healthcare workforce today.

Though widely stigmatized in our society, mental health conditions and problems related to them are widespread among the American people:

• Approximately 56 Million American adults experience mental illness and/or substance use disorder in a given year. (CBHSQ, 2015)
• Serious mental illness costs America $193.2 billion in lost earnings per year. (NAMI, 2018)
• Suicide claims about 38,000 lives a year and is the 10th leading cause of death. (Davidson J. et al., 2018)
• Depression, burnout and suicide occur at higher rates in the medical profession than in many other fields. (Hoffman, E. 2017)

For these reasons, AMN Healthcare collaborates with client facilities to ensure clinicians are empowered with the tools they need to promote mental/emotional wellness among the workforce.

Together, we remove both perceived and actual barriers to seeking assistance – in the healthcare industry and all workplaces. Destigmatizing and recognizing early cues may facilitate the identification, treatment, and return of clinicians to the workforce.

AMN Healthcare’s Mental Health Initiative focuses on three primary areas. Below is a diagram showing these focus areas as well as some planned initiatives under each area.


As the largest employer of contingent healthcare workers, AMN Healthcare is committed to providing a safe environment to address mental health. We collaborate with our partners to implement education and community awareness programs to recognize and respond quickly to mental health concerns.

We work together to diminish mental health stigma with the understanding that a healthier workplace increases the success and enriches the lives of our clinicians, clients and employees. Optimal wellness must be holistic in nature and encompass mental, physical, societal, spiritual, emotional and occupational dimensions.

Together we can help to destigmatize mental health issues so support can be provided to those in need.

Davidson J., Zisook S., Kirby B., DeMichele G. & Norcross W. (2018). Suicide prevention, A healer education and referral program for nurses. Journal of Nursing Administration. 48 (2), 85-91.

Hoffman, E. (2017, June 27). When Medical Professionals Face Mental Health Issues. Retrieved August 23, 2018, from (2018). Mental health by the numbers. Retrieved from (2015). Center for behavioral health statistics and quality. (2015). Behavioral health trends in the United States: Results from the 2014 national survey on drug use and health (HHS Publication No. SMA 15-4927, NSDUH Series H-50). Retrieved from

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