Minute-by-Minute Coordination Systems

Becker’s 14th Annual Meeting in Chicago shed light on the many benefits of implementing minute-by-minute coordination systems in hospitals.

Leading the discussions were Dr. Robert Bonar, former CEO of Ascension’s Seton Family of Hospitals, and now Professor of Healthcare Administration at George Washington University, and Dr. Thomas Feo, CEO of Healthcare Control Systems.

Panelists likened the minute-by-minute coordination system, ORControl, to air traffic control. They emphasized its ability to deliver just the right information, to just the right person, at just the right time. The result is enhanced productivity and patient safety, and the development of a strong team culture that reaches across a hospital’s many silos.

Minute-by-minute coordination systems are critical in healthcare to immediately address the disruptions that constantly arise. You start each day with a great schedule, best practices, and a well-trained staff, but within 10 minutes unexpected disruptions occur (a patient ate before surgery, a case cart is missing, a surgeon is late, ...). The result is your schedule and staff are thrown into disarray. A minute-by-minute coordination system gets your entire hospital back on track, so that you do not lose time, money, or patient safety.

Following successful implementation in large hospital systems, including HCA, Ascension, Common Spirit, and the VA, ORControl yielded measurable and significant improvements in many KPIs. These benefits included increased case volumes and revenue. In addition, the system decreased overtime which resulted in a boost in staff morale.

Dr. Bonar summed up the day’s discussions by stating that ORControl fosters a culture of accountability and teamwork by virtually eliminating opportunities for staff to conceal delays and inefficiencies. "I think what our staff and physicians enjoyed most was transparency and being able to hold each other accountable for their end of the stick."

For more information, please contact:

Luke Doyle - Senior Vice President Operations

Email: luke.doyle@hcs.us.com 

Mobile: 512-426-8000
Visit www.hcs.us.com for further details on ORControl™.

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