28 hospital leaders and physicians to follow on Twitter

Social media revolutionized the way news and opinions are shared. Sites like Twitter give healthcare leaders an unprecedented opportunity the shape the national healthcare conversation by connecting with industry professionals, patients and the wider public.

Here are 28 leaders from hospitals and health systems across the country to follow on Twitter.

1. Demitrios Alexiou | @DimitriosHASDIC
President and CEO at Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties

Prior to serving as the president and CEO of Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties, Mr. Alexiou was the COO at Los Angeles-based Totally Kids Specialty Healthcare and the regional vice president of Hospital Association of Southern California. Currently, he is an adjunct faculty member at California State University in San Bernardino and North Ridge. Mr. Alexiou posts about upcoming healthcare events and health news specific to California.

2. Mike Anderson, MD, MBA | @MikeAndersonMD
CMO of University Hospitals Cleveland

Dr. Anderson has served as CMO of University Hospitals Cleveland since 2014, previously serving as vice president and associate CMO for the healthcare system. He has been an associate professor for pediatrics at Cleveland-based Case Western Reserve University for the past 19 years. In June 2014, Dr. Anderson won the Charles L. Hudson Award for Distinguished Service from the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland and Northern Ohio. He usually tweets about new healthcare studies and news relating to Ohio hospitals.

3. Akram Boutros, MD | @Akram_Boutros
President and CEO of The MetroHealth System (Cleveland)

Dr. Boutros became president and CEO of MetroHealth System in June 2013. He has over 20 years of experience in large community hospitals, specialty hospitals and academic medical centers. Formerly, he served as president of BusinessFirst Healthcare Solutions, a healthcare advisory firm. He was named to Power 150 by Crain's Cleveland Business, Power 100 by Inside Business Magazine and EY 2015 Entrepreneur of the Year for Community Impact in Northeast Ohio. He often posts staff management tips along with healthcare news.

4. Kevin Brown |@KBrown_Piedmont
President and CEO of Piedmont Healthcare (Atlanta)

Mr. Brown has served as president and CEO of Piedmont Healthcare, a nonprofit, five-hospital system, since 2013. Previously, Mr. Brown served as CEO of Swedish Health Services in Seattle. He's also worked for Renton, Wash.-based Providence Health System leading various strategic and business development projects. He tweets from conferences and regularly posts healthcare news.

5. Delos "Toby" Cosgrove, MD | @TobyCosgroveMD
President and CEO of Cleveland Clinic (Ohio)

Dr. Cosgrove joined Cleveland Clinic in 1975 and was named chairman of the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery in 1989. He entered his role as president and CEO of the health system in 2004. He's published almost 450 journal articles, book chapters, 17 training and medical education videos, and one book. A highly experienced cardiac surgeon, Dr. Cosgrove has performed more than 22,000 operations. He regularly tweets about healthcare news and issues, as well as updates regarding Cleveland Clinic.

6. Lloyd H. Dean | @LloydHDean
President and CEO of Dignity Health (San Francisco)

As president and CEO, Mr. Dean has overseen major strategic, operational and financial transformations that turned Dignity Health into a leading healthcare organization. Prior to his role at Dignity Health, he served as executive vice president and COO of Advocate Health Care in Oakbrook, Ill. Mr. Dean is a strong advocate of healthcare reform and has actively communicated with President Obama and the White House about healthcare issues. In January 2013, he was profiled by Fortune magazine. Mr. Dean usually tweets about world news and Dignity Health's upcoming events.

7. Wyatt Decker, MD | @WyattWDecker
CEO of Mayo Clinic – Arizona (Phoenix)

Dr. Decker, the CEO of the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, also acts as a vice president for the Mayo Clinic system in Rochester, Minn. He has served as chair of emergency medicine at the Mayo Clinic and also holds an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. A frequent tweeter, he covers health topics and the future of healthcare.

8. Jeffrey Gold, MD | @jeffreypgold
Chancellor of the University of Nebraska Medical Center (Omaha)

Dr. Gold became chancellor of the University of Nebraska Medical Center in February 2014. As a board-certified thoracic surgeon, he has served on more than 50 professional committees and upwards of 100 national organizations, volunteer boards, and government and public health councils. He was one of 25 leaders to receive a Becker's Healthcare Leadership Award in 2014. He frequently tweets about recent healthcare news along with updates about University of Nebraska research and medicine.

9. John D. Halamka, MD | @jhalamka
CIO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Boston)

In addition to serving as CIO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dr. Halamka is also chairman of the New England Healthcare Exchange Network, co-chair of the HIT Standards Committee, a professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston and a practicing emergency physician. He often tweets about health IT news. In addition to his Twitter presence, he maintains a blog.

10. Rod Hochman, MD | @RodHochmanMD
President and CEO of Providence Health and Services (Renton, Wash.)

As president and CEO of Providence Health and Services, Dr. Hochman runs the third largest nonprofit health system in the country. His previous positions include his role as president and CEO of Swedish Medical Center in Seattle and executive vice president of Sentara Healthcare in Norfolk, Va. Dr. Hochman often tweets about nonprofit healthcare and healthcare innovation.

11. Ralph Johnson | @RalphJohnsonII
Regional CIO for MaineHealth (Farmington, Maine)

Mr. Johnson formerly served as CIO at Franklin Community Health Network in Farmington for eight years. He was named CIO of the Year by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society's New England chapter in 2012. He has worked in the healthcare IT field for 28 years. He frequently posts health IT and healthcare news specific to the New England area.

12. Colleen Kannaday | @AdvocateColleen
President of Advocate BroMenn Medical Center (Normal, Ill.) and Advocate Eureka (Ill.) Hospital

Ms. Kannaday has served as president of the two hospitals, both part of Downers Grove, Ill.-based Advocate Health Care, since 2010. Prior to this position, she served as president of St. Francis Hospital and Health Center in Blue Island, Ill. Her posts often cover healthcare news and events, along with the occasional motivational tweet.

13. Stephen K. Klasko, MD | @sklasko
President and CEO of Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health System (Philadelphia)

Dr. Klasko was named president and CEO of Philadelphia-based Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health System in June 2013. He also served as Dean of Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia until 2004. He often tweets about upcoming healthcare events and interesting editorial articles.

14. Vivian Lee, MD, PhD, MBA | @VivianLeeMD
CEO of University of Utah Health Care (Salt Lake City)

Dr. Lee has been CEO at University of Utah Health Care as well as dean of the University of Utah School of Medicine since 2011. Dr. Lee is also the senior vice president of University of Utah Health Sciences, the only university healthcare system in the state. She attended Harvard Medical School and is a trained radiologist. She posts links to new studies along with more general healthcare news.

15. Stuart Marcus, MD| @StuartMarcusMD
President and CEO of St. Vincent's Health System (Bridgeport, Conn.)

Dr. Marcus joined St. Vincent's Health System in 2006. He served as senior vice president, CMO and chairman of oncology before becoming president and CEO in 2012. Dr. Marcus is a specialist in gastrointestinal cancer surgery, having attended Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, N.C., to earn his medical degree. He typically posts about cancer news and upcoming medical events.

16. John H. Noseworthy, MD | @JNoseworthyMD
President and CEO of Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minn.).

Dr. Noseworthy, a neurologist specializing in multiple sclerosis, became CEO of Mayo Clinic in 2009. Previously, he served as chair of Mayo Clinic's department of neurology, medical director of the department of development and vice chair of the Mayo Clinic Rochester executive board. Dr. Noseworthy was a recipient of a Becker's Healthcare Leadership Award in 2014. He often tweets about Mayo Clinic news and upcoming speakers and events.

17. Randy Oostra, DM | @Randy_Oostra
President and CEO of ProMedica Health System (Toledo, Ohio)

Mr. Oostra has been the president and CEO of ProMedica Health System since 2009. He previously served in multiple leadership roles for the health system, including COO and vice president of corporate business development. Mr. Oostra earned a doctoral degree in management from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland and holds two masters degrees — one in healthcare administration from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and one in management from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Mr. Oostra often shares links to healthcare studies and news on his Twitter.

18. David Pate, MD, JD | @DrPateStLukes
President and CEO of St. Luke's Health System (Boise, Idaho)

As president and CEO of Idaho's largest and only locally controlled health system, Dr. Pate oversees three full-service community hospitals, three critical access hospitals, Idaho's only children's hospital, several clinics and outpatient treatment and diagnostic centers. He holds a medical degree in internal medicine from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and a health law degree from the University of Houston Health Center. He frequently posts about the state of the healthcare industry and ideas for how to improve it.

19. Kevin Pho, MD | @KevinMD
Primary Care Physician at Nashua Medical Group (N.H.)

In addition to being a physician at Nashua Medical Group in New Hampshire, Dr. Pho is also an author, keynote speaker, and member of USA Today's Board of Contributors. He has over 141 thousand followers on Twitter. CNN named @KevinMD one of its five recommended twitter health feeds. Dr. Pho also founded KevinMD.com, which Forbes called "a must-read health blog." He regularly posts links to interesting healthcare articles and news.

20. Ramanathan Raju, MD, MBA | @RamRajuMD
President of New York City Health and Hospitals

Dr. Raju was appointed president of New York City Health and Hospitals in March 2014. Formerly, he served as CEO of Cook County Health and Hospitals System in Chicago. Dr. Raju currently sits on American Hospital Association's board of trustees. He tweets about issues in medical education and links to healthcare articles.

21. Anna Roth, RN | @AnnaMRoth
CEO of Contra Costa Regional Medical Center (Martinez, Calif.)

In addition to serving as CEO of Contra Costa Regional Medical Center, Ms. Roth is also CEO of the system's health centers and detention centers, as well as a fellow of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. She usually tweets about breaking healthcare news and new studies. She also maintains a blog[AC31].

22. Dirk Stanley, MD, MPH | @DirkStanley
CMIO of UConn Health (Farmington, Conn.)

As of May, Dr. Stanley is the first CMIO for UConn Health. He previously served as CMIO of Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton, Ma., now a part of Boston-based Massachusetts General Hospital. He was named Physician of the Year in 2010 by the New England Chapter of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. He has over 5,000 followers on Twitter and generally posts health IT news. He also blogs.

23. Karen C. Teitelbaum, MBA | @SinaiCEO
President and CEO of Sinai Health System (Chicago)

Ms. Teitelbaum became president and CEO of Sinai Health System in July 2014. She joined the health system in 2007, serving as executive vice president and COO. Ms. Teitelbaum earned a master's degree in speech and language pathology from Northwestern University in Chicago and an MBA from Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management. Before her experience in healthcare leadership, she worked as a speech pathologist and owned her own rehabilitation agency. Ms. Teitelbaum usually tweets about mental health news and Sinai Health System updates.

24. Bernard J. Tyson, MBA | @BernardJTyson
Chairman and CEO of Kaiser Permanente (Oakland, Calif.)

Mr. Tyson has acted as CEO of Kaiser Permanente since July 2013 and chairman since January 2014. He has been with the organization for more than 30 years, serving in positions ranging from hospital administrator to COO. Mr. Tyson serves on the board of directors of the American Heart Association. He was awarded the NAACP Legal, Defense and Educational Fund's 2014 National Equal Justice Award. He often tweets about hospital leadership and healthcare reform issues.

25. Chris Van Gorder | @ChrisDVanGorder
President and CEO of Scripps Health (San Diego)

Mr. Van Gorder has been president and CEO of Scripps Health since 2000. He oversees the daily operations of five acute-care hospitals, dozens of outpatient centers and a regional home health service. In 2014, Mr. Van Gorder published his first book — The Front-Line Leader: Building a High Performance Organization from the Ground Up. He posts about leadership, corporate culture and healthcare on Twitter and through his blog.

26. Bryan Vartabedian, MD | @Doctor_V
Physician atBaylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital (Houston)

Dr. Vartabedian is a pediatric gastroenterologist at Baylor College of Medicine and a full-time physician at Texas Children's hospital. He oversees the treatment of digestive health at Texas Children's Hospital through his role as director of community medicine for the division of gastroenterology & nutrition. Dr. Vartabedian is passionate about healthcare communication. He's served on the on the External Advisory Board of the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and CNN. He usually tweets about the relationship between healthcare and technology, and regularly posts on his blog.

27. Will Weider | @CandidCIO
CIO of Ministry Health Care (Menasha, Wis.)

Mr. Weider has served as CIO of Ministry Health Care since February 2006. Ministry operates 15 hospitals, a 150,000-member health plan and three medical groups that employ 500 physicians in 50 clinic locations. Mr. Weider often uses his tweets to challenge conventional health IT wisdom while also sharing his own experiences and observations on the subject. He also authors a blog.

28. Tom Whalen, MD | @TomWhalen
CMO of Lehigh Valley Health Network (Allentown, Pa.)

Dr. Whalen was named CMO of Lehigh Valley Health Network in 2011. He helped develop the system's pediatric surgery, neurosurgery and specialty care programs. He has also served in the Navy as a commissioned officer in the regular and reserve medical corps for 28 years. Dr. Whalen holds certifications in general surgery, pediatric surgery and surgical critical care. He posts frequently about national health trends and breaking healthcare news.

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