Study: Surgical Checklists More Effective With Research Protocols

The World Health Organization's surgical safety checklist may have less of a benefit at hospitals adopting the checklist independently than hospitals adopting the checklist in an intervention research setting, according to an article in the British Medical Journal of Quality and Safety.

Researchers examined compliance with the sign-in, time out and sign-out items on the surgical safety checklist in two hospitals, one hospital which had been a member of the original study for the surgical checklist and the other which had independently adopted the checklist.

While the hospital that was part of the WHO's original study showed 96 percent sign-in, 99 percent time out and 22 percent sign-out compliance, the independent hospital showed only 31 percent sign-in, 48 percent time out and 9 percent sign-out compliance.

The study concluded benefits of the surgical safety checklist may be less in hospitals that do not have a research protocol in place in the implementation of the checklist. 

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