Major IT companies are moving into the healthcare analytics market, according to a report by healthcare market research firm Kalorama Information.
In the healthcare industry, "big data" efforts involve processing large-scale datasets related to clinical, claims and user-generated data, among other information. The goal is to identify actionable insights to drive clinical decision making.
Here's what Kalorama Information shared about three major players involved in healthcare analytics processes.
1. Apple. Apple leverages its data mining capabilities to collect patient data captured via digital devices, according to Kalorama. This functionality will enable Apple to create comprehensive care plans for patients, including medical devices and drugs.
2. Google. Alphabet, Google's parent company, established a few businesses combining analytics capabilities with medical applications. Google X Life Sciences created the Google X Baseline Study, for example, which will build a genomic database to facilitate early diagnosis and disease prevention.
3. IBM. Watson, IBM's artificial intelligence platform, is the first open cognitive computing technology platform on the market, according to Kalorama. Watson offers clinical decision support powered by machine learning, an AI approach enabling computer systems to learn from large-scale datasets.