Minnesota Releases Memo Regarding Inadequate Endoscope Reprocessing

The Minnesota Department of Health has issued a memo to healthcare facilities regarding proper reprocessing of endoscopes.


According to the memo, several healthcare facilities have contacted the department regarding situations involving inadequate endoscope reprocessing over the past 18 months. Department officials crafted this memo to reiterate the importance of proper and effective endoscope reprocessing.

The memo includes nine ways healthcare facilities can improve their endoscope reprocessing practices:

1. Compile a list of all endoscopes and accessories (e.g., probes, needle guides, etc.) used in the facility and ensure that manufacturer reprocessing instructions for each item are on-site.

2. Review manufacturer reprocessing instructions for all endoscopes and endoscopic accessories used in the facility.

3. Ensure that all protocols and procedures for endoscope reprocessing and storage follow manufacturer reprocessing instructions and national guidelines. Seek assistance from manufacturer representatives or other experts as needed.

4. Verify that items currently being reprocessed are intended for reuse. Follow FDA requirements for reporting an adverse event if it is determined that a single use device has been reprocessed.

5. Ensure that all clinicians who perform endoscopic procedures receive at least annual education on cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing procedures for the endoscopes and endoscopic accessories they utilize.

6. Ensure that all staff responsible for any aspect of endoscope reprocessing receive education and training, including competency testing, at least annually.

7. Perform audits of all aspects of endoscope reprocessing at least annually.

8. Ensure that infection prevention consultation is available for all areas of the facility that perform endoscopic procedures.

9. Maintain a log of all endoscopy procedures performed including patient name, medical record number. date of the procedure, procedure(s) performed, all endoscopic accessories used and serial number if available, clinician who performed the procedure, type of endoscope used, endoscope serial number, automated endoscope reprocessor used (if applicable) and AER reprocessing cycle used.

The department notes that these recommendations can also be applied to the reprocessing of other critical and semi-critical devices.

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