November 27, 2018
1. CMS proposes changes to prescription drug rules: 7 things to know Full story

2. Novartis has spent $15B to reinvent itself Full story

3. 5 things to know about Bernie Sanders' drug pricing proposal  Full story

4. For key insights into the current and future states of remote patient monitoring and virtual care delivery, download this free e-book. 

5. Join terrific keynotes Katie Couric, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush at Becker's Hospital Review 10th Annual Meeting, April 1-4, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. Register here. Limited sponsorships and exhibits available -- email Jessica Cole at for more information.

6. 5 recent pharma layoffs Full story

7. Mylan recalls 15 lots of blood pressure drug in US

8. It's not too early to make a New Year's revenue resolution. Register for this upcoming webinar to learn how to maximize 2019 reimbursement.

9. What's happening in the pharmacy space? Key thoughts from 2 Provident Healthcare leaders Full story
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Ayla Ellison 
Managing Editor 

Sales, Marketing & Events:
Jessica Cole
President and CEO