From: Becker's Health IT & CIO Report <>
Subject: Medical records used as confetti for US Women's soccer team parade | 4 IT leaders discuss the future of the industry | Senate committee pushes to delay MU3 | Health IT tip of the day: Don't think of analytics as a 'journey'
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July 27, 2015
1. 'Think, build and run': 4 IT leaders discuss the future of the industry Full story 
2. Senate committee pushes to delay MU3 Full story
3. What are your words of wisdom for selecting, implementing and using health IT? Email  Max Green at mgreen@beckershealthcare. com to share a "Health IT tip of the day."

4. Webinar: Learn how to reduce your uncompensated care and improve internal processes. Click here to learn more and register.

5. Confetti used for US Women's soccer victory parade found to be shredded medical records Full story

6. Health IT tip of the day: Don't think of analytics as a 'journey' Full story 

7. Webinar: How can you "future-proof" your EHR investment? Click here to learn more and register.
8. 5 key focus areas for final ICD-10 preparations Full story

9. DirectTrust CEO Dr. David Kibbe urges feds to stop the blocking of health information Full story 
10. Data governance: An 'ethical obligation' in healthcare
Full story 

11. Joins us for the Becker's Hospital Review CEO Roundtable + CFO/CIO Roundtable in November at the Ritz Carlton in Chicago. Forty-four leading hospital and health system CEOs and 33 CFOs and CIOs will speak at 74 sessions. Click here to learn more and register.

12. Massachusetts General to launch telemedicine services for second opinions Full story  
Becker's Hospital Review CEO Roundtable + CFO/CIO Roundtable
Nov. 18-19, 2015 | Ritz Carlton Chicago
Featuring 44 leading hospital & health system CEOs and 33 CFOs & CIOs
74 sessions | 100 hospital executive speakers
To register or learn more, click here 

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