Sebelius: Medicaid Expansion 'Isn't a Bait and Switch'

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sibelius stressed federal funding for states that expand their Medicaid programs to include more poor residents will be protected from budget battles, according to a report by Politico.

Under a federal health law provision ruled optional by the Supreme Court, states that expand their Medicaid programs to include individuals up to 133 percent of the federal poverty line, including some childless adults, will receive full funding for the additional costs from the feds for three years. The federal government's share will drop to 90 percent of the expansion cost after that.

Many governors of both parties in cash-strapped states have hesitated to accept the deal, fearing federal money could dry up and leave them with the bill. More vocal GOP governors have resisted the offer, claiming it's a move to build more support for President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law.

"This isn't a bait and switch," Ms. Sebelius told reporters Monday morning at a health conference in Washington.

Hours later, Ohio Gov. John Kasich became the fifth Republican governor to voice his support for the Medicaid expansion.

More Articles on Medicaid Expansion:

Ohio Governor Floats Medicaid Expansion
Cook County Hospitals in Chicago May Sell Health Plan on Insurance Exchange
Missouri Hospitals Predict Loss of 9k Jobs Without Medicaid Expansion

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