Opportunity to improve provider to patient communication with text messaging

In today's health care environment, providers are being challenged to "do more with less". This includes not only reaching more patients, but also more effectively engaging them in their care. Traditional communication channels such as telephone calls, emails and voice mails are becoming less and less effective.

Patient portals and apps are not gaining traction with the vast majority of patients. So, what is the solution? Text messaging - one of the most widely used forms of technology – represents a powerful alternative and one that has not been fully capitalized health care organizations.

The simplicity, immediacy and ubiquity of texting coupled with the ability to use links to the mobile web as an on-ramp to a richer experience can boost health care provider efficiency and effectiveness, enhance the patient experience and, best of all, improve outcomes. The use of such programs can help providers reach a wide range of patients in less than half the time while also achieving cost-effectiveness along the way.

Text messaging has many advantages that portals and apps- don't always provide. This medium doesn't require app purchases or downloads barriers, limitations to smartphones or internet access requirements.

The infographic below demonstrates the must-know statistics about text messaging and how it compares to traditional communication channels in health care and why such tactics such be considered.

Carewire infographic final

About Ken
Ken Saitow has over two decades of experience providing performance improvement solutions for leading healthcare organizations across the country. He has also held operational and strategic leadership positions for a number of premier healthcare consulting firms. Ken has a track record of successfully bringing new solutions and services to market. Most recently, Ken was a Managing Director in Huron Consulting Group's Healthcare Practice. Prior to that, he was an owner of Stockamp & Associates Inc. and a partner within the Global Health Services Practice at Accenture. Ken holds a BS in Computer Science from the University of Georgia.

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