10 best cities to start a career

Among 182 cities — including the 150 most populated U.S. cities, plus at least two of the most populated cities in each state — Atlanta is the best city to start a career, according to an analysis released May 13 by WalletHub.

To determine the best cities to launch a career, WalletHub compared the cities (only city proper) across two dimensions: professional opportunities and quality of life. Analysts examined the two dimensions using 26 metrics, which ranged from availability of entry-level jobs to singles-friendliness. More information about the methodology is available here

The best cities to start a career, per the analysis:

1. Atlanta

2. Orlando, Fla.

3. Salt Lake City

4. Tampa, Fla.

5. Pittsburgh

6. Portland, Maine

7. Charleston, S.C.

8. Austin, Texas

9. Miami

10. Knoxville, Tenn.

The cities at the bottom of WalletHub's list:

1. New York City

2. Bridgeport, Conn.

3. Pembroke Pines, Fla.

4. Santa Clarita, Calif.

5. Yonkers, N.Y.

6. Cape Coral, Fla.

7. Newark, N.J.

8. Detroit

9. Jackson, Miss.

10. Oxnard, Calif.

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