Standards Committee Investigates Information Exchange Functions for EHRs

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The Health IT Standards Committee has started work on examining the different types of information exchange functions electronic health records should have in time for stage 2 and 3 of meaningful use, according to a Government Health IT news report.

As more methods of information exchange take shape, individual physicians and hospitals will be able to choose their respective method of exchange, whether that be through the nationwide health information network exchange, the Direct Project or Connect. To varying degrees, all three of these exchange methods allow providers to send or receive information from a patient's EHR.

While committee members parse through information exchange methods, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT is continuing its work on standardizing vocabulary to make interoperability more feasible. The ONC will release proposed standards and certification criteria for stage 2 meaningful use by the end of this year, according to the news report.

Read the news report about information exchange in stage 2 meaningful use.

Read other coverage about stage 2 meaningful use:

- Adoption of Personal Health Records Low Among Minority, Low-Income Patients

Attestation for Meaningful Use to Begin in April

Federal Meaningful Use Workgroup Goes to Work on Stage 2 Deadlines and Requirements

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