From: Becker's Health IT & CIO Report <>
Subject: The rise of hospital-backed venture capital funds | Are EHRs ready for next-level infrastructure? | 2nd Dallas clinician tests positive for Ebola | 10 CEO moves
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Oct. 16, 2014
1. Navigating a data breach: Balancing legal and communications hurdles Full story 
2. The rise of hospital-backed venture capital funds Full story
3. How EHRs can reduce wrong-patient NICU errors Full story

4. CIOs: Have you adjusted your EHR workflow in response to the Ebola crisis? Share your thoughts with to be featured in a future issue.
5. Are EHRs ready for next-level infrastructure? Full story 
6. 23 states with the most digital health accelerators Full story 


7. Second Dallas healthcare worker tests positive for Ebola Full story 


8. 10 latest CEO moves in hospitals, health systems Full story 


9. Daughters of Charity Health System to sell 6 hospitals to Prime Healthcare Services Full story


10. Join other CIOs in exploring issues surrounding EHRs, mobile health, data analytics and more at Becker's Hospital Review Health IT and CIO Roundtable (Nov. 4, 2014; Chicago). Register here


11. [Webinar] New Physician Expectations - Ensuring Career Satisfaction and Organizational Success, A Panel Discussion Register here



Becker's Hospital Review CEO Strategy Roundtable
Setting Strategy for 2015 and Beyond: Hear From Top Systems, Networking & More!
Nov. 5, 2014 | The Ritz Carlton Chicago
Featuring 40 Hospital and Health System CEOs
4 Tracks | 31 Session 
To register or learn more, click here

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