June 21, 2019


1. Cleveland Clinic, Atrium, MemorialCare add $3M to digital health startup's $14M financing round Full story

2. Johns Hopkins CTO Dwight Raum: How to gain physician buy-in on new technology Full story

3. IT error deletes patient records at Creighton University pharmacy Full story

4. It's time to make patient safety initiative proactive instead of reactive. Click here to learn more about continuous clinical, surveillance.

5. Interested in applying to be a reviewer at our Becker's 5th Annual Health IT + Revenue Cycle Conference, Oct. 9-12 in Chicago? Contact Ginny Egizio at vegizio@beckershealthcare.com

6. Emory Healthcare Innovation Hub adds 4 partners Full story

7. 16 health IT notes - Cerner, Uber Health, Google & more  Full story

8. LabCorp hit with class-action lawsuit following data breach that epxosed data of 7.7M people Full story

9. The 1st & most crucial step for better healthcare cybersecurity. Click here to attend the webinar.

10. 5 ways to spot potential EHR fraud Full story

11. AI guided robotic device replaces endoscopy in diagnosing colon cancer Full story

12. How to accurately project health system revenue amid reimbursement uncertainty. Click here to attend the webinar.

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