From: Becker's Health IT & CIO Report <>
Subject: [Special Alert] MU stage 3 proposed rule: 9 things to know
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March 20, 2015

1. MU stage 3 is out: On March 20, CMS released its proposed rule for meaningful use stage 3, which is open for public comment through May 29. Here are nine things to know. Full story 
2. Join us for the first annual Becker's CIO/HIT + Revenue Cycle Summit: This July, Becker's Healthcare is excited to host the CIO/HIT + Revenue Cycle Summit at the Ritz Carlton in Chicago. The event features some of the most innovative leaders in health IT and some of the best strategists and performers in revenue cycle management. To learn about the event, contact Becker's Healthcare CEO Jessica Cole at or 800-417-2035. Or, click here.


Becker's Hospital Review 6th Annual Meeting
Hospital and health system executives on the evolving face of healthcare
May 7-9, 2015 | Swissotel Chicago
Featuring 153 hospital and health system executives
100+ sessions | 400+ speakers
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