From: Becker's Infection Control & Clinical Quality <>
Subject: 53 hospitals with lowest pneumonia mortality | 5 tips to avoid wrong-site surgeries | How do state Ebola quarantine rules compare? | 35 hospital partnerships
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Nov. 6, 2014
1. 53 hospitals with the lowest pneumonia 30-day mortality rates Full story

2. 5 tips for avoiding wrong-site surgery Full story

3. One extra day of hospitalization may cut healthcare costs Full story

4. How do individual states' Ebola quarantine protocols compare? Full story

5. Collaborative coalition to use web-based apps to desseminate Ebola information Full story

Becker's Healthcare wants to congratulate Molly Gamble on being promoted to Editor-in-Chief of Becker's Hospital Review and hospital-related publications and Laura Dyrda on being promoted to Editor-in-Chief of ASC publications and also provide our gratitude and congratulations to Lindsey Dunn on her move to the American Hospital Association. Lindsey has done a tremendous job with Becker's Healthcare.

6. 35 hospital transactions and partnerships in October Full story

7. Are hospital wheelchairs clean? Full story

8. CMS releases final 2015 payment rules for Medicare: 10 things to know Full story

9. Clinical, operational and financial needs shape growing tele-ICU trend Full story

10. Featured Case Study: How to Reduce Test Utilization While Improving the Patient Experience Read it here

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